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Information clause on the processing of personal data

In connection with the implementation of the requirements of the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (general data protection regulation “GDPR”), we indicate in the following clause the most important information concerning the rules on the processing of your personal data and your rights related to it. The following rules apply from 25 May 2018.

  1. The Controller of your personal data is: Blachotrapez Sp. z o. o. with headquarters in Rabka-Zdrój, ul. Kilińskiego 49A, POLAND
  2. Personal Data Protection Supervisor: Maciej Rymaszewski; contact: iod@blachotrapez.com.pl
  3. The Controller processes your personal data on the basis of applicable law, concluded contracts, and based on the consent given.
  4. Your personal data is processed for the following purpose(s):
    1. 1 Article 6, Section 1 a) the data subject agreed to the processing of his/her personal data for one or more specific purposes;
    2. 2 Article 6, Section 1 b) processing is necessary for the performance of a contract to which the data subject is a party;
    3. 3 Article 6, Section 1 c) processing is necessary to fulfil the legal obligation of the controller;
  5. In connection with the processing of data for the purposes referred to in Section 4, recipients of your personal data may be public authorities and entities performing public tasks or acting on behalf of public authorities or other entities that on the basis of relevant processing agreements process personal data in a Collector's archives.
  6. Your personal data will be stored for the period necessary to achieve the purposes set out in Section 4, and after that for the period and to the extent required by the provisions of generally applicable law.
  7. In relation to the processing of your personal data, you have the following rights: the right to access personal data, the right to share data, the right to amend data – if the data is incorrect or incomplete, the right to request the removal of personal data (the right to be forgotten), the right to request restriction of processing, the right to object to data processing.
  8. If the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of the person’s consent to the processing of personal data (art. 6, par. 1, let. a of the GDPR), you have the right to withdraw the consent at any time. The withdrawal does not affect the compliance of the processing, which was made on the basis of the consent prior to its withdrawal, in accordance with the applicable law.
  9. If you receive information about unlawful processing of your personal data, you have the right to lodge the complaint to the supervisory body competent in matters concerning personal data protection.
  10. If the processing of personal data takes place on the basis of the consent of the data subject, the provision of your personal data to the Controller is voluntary.
  11. The provision of your personal data is obligatory if the condition for the processing of personal data is the legal provision or the agreement concluded by the parties.
  12. Your personal data may be processed in an automated manner and will not be profiled.
  13. Your personal data will not be transferred to a third country / international organization.